Past Exhibitions and Events
Nicki Rolls: Carbon and Cellulose
27th May - 1st June
Carbon and Cellulose is an exhibition of large-scale charcoal drawings of plants that live in the wild. “I draw the wildflowers larger than life, to celebrate the majestic and highlight smaller plants and less prized plants and weeds. In each drawing, the plant’s roots are exposed, revealing their source of life and energy and, paradoxically, their vulnerability and fragility.”
Part of the emphasis of this show was on drawing materials and the act of drawing itself. Nicki worked in the space on her large-scale drawings throughout the week. “The idea is to demonstrate ‘Carbon and Cellulose’, in their rawest forms”. She also set up a collaborative space for visitors to make a joint drawing that completed over the week of the exhibition.
Nicki is a contemporary visual artist, based in London.