Past Exhibitions and Events

Nick Everitt: Lost and Found

14th January - 20th January 2022

Nick Everitt local artist, creates large-scale, bold, rhythmic, energetic, and closely observed drawings in black and white.

He often begins a piece with one of my found objects. These are generally small flotsam and jetsam found at home as well as on holidays, river walking, and beachcombing.

He is interested in how and why an object demands your attention above others. It may be the patina, shape, weight, or the way the light strikes it or reflects off it. That moment of discovery, the process of searching, of something luring him to pick it up, is where his drawings begin.

His works evolve over many months and often have a number of layers and undergo many changes. He utilizes a wide variety of pencils, charcoal, rags, rubbers, inks, powdered charcoal, masking tape, and masking fluid as a creative material. He loves the balance of opposing forces such as light and dark, energetic and tranquil, serene and disturbed, which is why black and white is dominating his current work.